Club fees

Thank you to everyone who is up to date with the monthly club fees and we hope everyone is coping okay with the lockdown. It’s certainly not easy, especially without our weekly football to look forward to!

There are still a small number of parents/carers who are yet to make the March payment and we would urge them to please make this payment as soon as possible. Understandably, there’s a bit of resistance/confusion, with paying the March fee, due to the fact we were unable to get in a full month’s training and matches because of the lockdown.

It’s really important that we all pull together on this. The £25 monthly fee (set for 2019/20) is a flat fee payable over nine months regardless of the number of training sessions and matches we play. We made the call to cancel April’s payment, as it was evident that there wouldn’t be any chance of training or matches taking place and decided that the club could manage a one month loss of income. However, in order to secure the club’s finances for the coming season we do need all our players’ fees to be paid up to, and including March.

Depending on what happens over the next few months we may be able to make adjustments to fees for next season. And we still hope to deliver a really great of end-of-season presentation, which is usually paid for from any surplus from monthly fees/sponsorship revenue.

If you’re struggling financially at the moment, then please don’t worry. We’re all in this together so if you’re finding it hard to pay your outstanding March fee, please get in touch with your manager and we’ll try and help you out.


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