Committee and Constitution
How we operate as a club
Our structure
Community Amateur Sports Club
Canterbury Eagles Football Club was granted Community Amateur Sports Club status in 2021. The CASC scheme can offer important financial benefits to clubs including significantly reducing business rates charges and allowing clubs to generate additional income through Gift Aid.
Qualifying Conditions
The key benefits of being a CASC include:
mandatory 80% relief from business rates
the ability to generate income through the gift aid scheme
exemptions from corporation tax
CASC clubs need to meet certain conditions including:
Being open to the whole community
Setting limits on the costs for members
Being organised on an amateur basis
Requirements on participation and income generation
Our Committee
Dan Porter, Tony Payne Co-chairs
Mandy Durell Secretary
Alis Trivelli, Hannah Gifford Club Welfare Officers
Sam Douglas Treasurer
Dylan Williams Club Development Officer
Jo Treharne Girls and Womens Development Officer
Matteo Bosio Head of Coaching
Tony Newington Head of Disability Football
Nathan Hunt Head of Marketing
Iain Morris Head of Finance
Katie Mason Press Officer
Sophie Jimenez Fixtures Secretary
Sherene Marchan Girls Fixtures Secretary
Jonny Crisp Mini Fixtures Secretary
Nessy Potter, Paul Thompson Parent Representatives
Our Constitution
This document outlines the club’s functions and the rules under which it operates, clarifying how club procedures work.